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Employment requirements

  • Duration – Every apprentice’s contract of employment must last at least the duration of their apprenticeship, up to and including the end point assessment.
  • Days – Under 18-year-olds must have two consecutive days off every week. Over 18-year-olds must have one day off per week or two days off per fortnight.
  • Hours – Under 18-year-olds cannot work more than 40 hours per week. Over 18-year-olds cannot work more than 48 hours per week.
  • Rate of pay – Apprentices must be paid at least the government minimum for apprentices. This changes in their second year if they are 19 years or older. For more information please click here.
  • Pay Date – Apprentices must be paid through the PAYE system and know when and how they are being paid, with receipt of regular payslips.
  • Time-Off – An apprentice’s contract must include details of annual leave, sick pay, maternity/paternity and other statutory requirements.

Health and Safety


All employers are required to comply with certain regulatory and quality standards. When you wish to take on a learner with us, we provide a checklist that identifies the mandatory and advisory standards that employers are required to meet. It is your responsibility to comply with all legal and regulatory standards when employing staff and to ensure they are all working in a safe and healthy environment.

Haddon Training take these standards seriously and will take steps to satisfy ourselves that you meet these requirements before agreeing to hiring an apprentice. For further information, please visit

Employer facility requirements

We also have a checklist of facility requirements for employers, to ensure that they can meet the needs of specific qualifications – this can be found here.

National Minimum Wage

The UK government specifies what the NMW should be and it is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that they are paying at least this. For further information and current rates please click here.

Our apprentices are also encouraged to make sure that they do not accept less than the minimum wage and the government provide a handy calculator to help calculate this – National Minimum Wage and Living Wage Calculator.

* This is in England. In Wales apprentices are entitled to NMW regardless of their age, after the first year of their apprenticeship.


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