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Unlocking Success Through our Partnerships

We’re delighted to be working closely with key industry bodies to ensure our employers and apprentices benefit from the latest tools, guidance, and knowledge that the equine sector has to offer.

The British Horse Society
the British horse society logo

We’re proud to announce that we have partnered with The British Horse Society (BHS), who are one of the largest and most influential equestrian charities in the UK. We’re working closely to address the present skills gap within the equine industry. This partnership enables our apprentices to combine their apprenticeship training with the BHS’s prestigious qualifications.

This collaboration provides our learners with the unique opportunity to access discounted, direct entry to BHS Stages assessments as they approach the end of their apprenticeship.

Learners who gain direct entry to their BHS assessments within 6 months of completion will receive a 40% discount on their assessment fees, comprised of 20% discount from Haddon Training and 20% discount from the BHS.*

*This offer is only available to Haddon Training apprentices completing an apprenticeship in England.

The BHS Stages qualifications are perfect for individuals who enjoy caring for and managing the welfare of horses. The assessments include a mix of practical training, workshops, and events.

You can find out more about our partnership with the BHS here.

The British Grooms Association and Equestrian Employers Association
British Groom Association Logo

We have a long-standing partnership with the British Grooms Association (BGA) for our apprentices and the Equestrian Employers Association (EEA) for our employers.  These brilliant organisations work hard to ensure that the rights and requirements for grooms and their employers are fully met and adhere to the latest regulations and best practice.

The BGA are a much-needed voice for grooms throughout the UK. They provide a wide range of services, including legal support, insurance, e-training and tools free to their members including a CV creator. Our apprentices are eligible for an exclusive discount on membership in their first year.


The EEA provides employers with essential advice and guidance required to safely navigate the equine sector. Members of the EEA have access to a vast array of support materials including a contract creatoremployment advice helplinehealth and safety toolkit and pensions and payroll advice. Our employers are also eligible for discounted EEA membership in their first year through us.

The British Equestrian Trade Association

We’re delighted to be an affiliate to the British Equestrian Trade Association (BETA) who work diligently to support their members by improving knowledge, standards, and professionalism within the equine trade.

BETA offer a wide variety of training courses to its members such as, rider safety (including hat and body protector fitting), equine health, business management, and digital marketing.

If you’d like to know more about how you can access the benefits of our partnerships, please get in touch here.

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